Saturday, June 28, 2014

ISIS Marching on Jerusalem soon

Within this you have a crystal clear TYPE of what will happen when Satan appears in Jerusalem as the false christ at the 6th seal, 6th trumpet and 6th vial. 666. And when you look up 666 in Revelation 13:18 using Bullinger's Companion Bible you'll find there that SSS, a symbol for Isis,the fake goddess, is 666 also. But what 666 ultimately means is the 6th seal, 6th trumpet and 6th vial are when Satan appears as Antichrist. This is when God's Elect (Those Who REALLY face Death, because, as we learned in Hebrews 2:14, "Death" is one of Satan's names) will be delivered up to Death (a.k.a. Satan) at which time The Holy Spirit will speak through them as it is written in Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. For more information, visit, and, whatever you do, WATCH!


  1. SATAN is the sword of god, god punish the evil as well the stupid, the fool, the blind. G W BUSH, destroyed america and the middle east, however you people elected G W BUSH and allow this to happen. you the citizens will feel the sword of SATAN. as today america is a mess and you the citizens are under a police state with a boot on your faces, SATAN is at work now, earthquakes, insane wars that kill your people for no reason as insane killings and police brutality. 99% poor, 1%rich. The powerful gets punish were it hurts as well, bankers billionaires, power rulers. suicides, unknown death, inexplicable accidents, bankers suicide as billionaires sons, from diana of england to kennedy and rockefeller, the sword of god SATAN has no mercy and no equivalent enemy. so rich 1% feel the SWORD of god "SATAN" no exception and nowhere to hide. this indiscriminate massacre will destroy the many, 99% and 1%, no one escapes until reason reaches not only the elite 1% but you the 99%. to end the $ "FED" reign, there are different ways intelligent one, the elite accepts its errors and reforms itself, the civil society understand reality and blend with the government and stop the abuses, a global civil war, and the last option is a tsunami that engulfed, New York city and the water reaches 10 miles inland. this event will be the cause of a tectonic plate displacement in california, which it will modified the west coast, and the east coast simultaneous. here many will die, the rich as well as the fool, the wise will survive. but new york city will be under water. no more wall street, no more WTC, and no more FED. End of the empire by the sword of SATAN.

  2. The children of Satan who was a liar and a murderer from the beginning already control Jerusalem. Those whited walls that contain dead men's bones have already stolen the land and keep wiping Palestine off the map.
    Jesus Christ was very explicit about the children of Satan and their traditions of the elders. Iran will take care of ISIS and God will deal with the sons of Satan.
