Tuesday, June 17, 2014

ISIS Funded by U.S. to Expand Military Industrial Complex!

Massive conspiracies are being unraveled but the mainstream will never discuss it. Long story short:

US funded rebels in Syria.
Those rebels took the money, used it to seize assets criminally.
The assets (like an oil field in Syria) allowed them to expand their operations.
They created an army that is now overtaking Iraq.
This has lead the US to return to Iraq to fight against those they initially funded.

Obama announces 275 US troops WILL be sent to Iraq to protect American embassy in Baghdad days after saying they would not returnUS ground troops 'equipped for combat' are being sent to Iraq -- just days after claiming that no American soldiers would be deployed to the war-torn country.Iraq crisis prompts reconciliation between Iran and the WestHow an arrest in Iraq revealed Isis's $2bn jihadist networkOver the past year, foreign intelligence officials had learned that Isis secured massive cashflows from the oilfields of eastern Syria, which it had commandeered in late 2012, and some of which it had sold back to the Syrian regimeUS secretly backs rebels to fight al-Qaeda in Syria

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