Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Iraq Is In Chaos And The U.S. Attack On Syria Is Inevitable

The housing market is imploding on itself. FED continually keeping the illusion that the economy is a recovery, but a slow recovery. Russia is now stating that the dollar needs to be removed. The IMF reports that the crisis in Iraq will hurt the US economy. The government is now making the case to come after the anti-government groups. The chaos in Iraq continues, the soldiers loyal to Saddam Hussein have now joined the ISIS movement. Obama is preparing to send troops into Iraq and then eventually move into Syria. Obama building the case about Syria not destroying its chemicals and ISIS is now moving into Syria. Be prepared for an event.

1 comment:

  1. this is a war for petrol oil, and the us has already lost, they are on a box the persian gulf is a box, general custer domain in israel and the persian gulf..the UN does not exist is a JOKE, useless full of BS, sometimes even worse than the $ and wall street casino, the UN is investors, $ as toilet paper, propaganda, not human minds, nobility, reason truth, that organization is more corrupt than UKRAINE and wall street put together. so what can anyone do with this UN criminals, nothing dump it, things will work on your side. europeans think they are on a cube a square world, soon they will open their minds and understand they are on a sphere. this conditioning is from long ago, but they are learning fast. just look at israel a UN creation to destroy humanity. at war since 1947 and soon nuclear, all done by the UN. ukraine, IRAQ and syria is a copycat, so this what the UN does best destroy.
