Saturday, June 7, 2014

Inside the US Federal Reserve

An inside look at the US Feral Reserve the most powerful - and least understood - financial institution on earth.
the dollar is losing its stranglehold on the worlds economies. This is a great thing for the world, but not so great for Americans and countries on the Dollar Standard.

Currencies need to be anchored against something. The dollar is anchored upon oil. Crypto Currencies are anchored in the price of energy it takes to produce them. They are the next locical anchor of value.The tsunami approacheth. A mega swamp of fiat USer Saudi terror "backed" petroscrip IOUs will turn this land of the free lunch at the planet's cost into a swamped sewer. Can you hear the rumble on the horizon as all Merca's lost terror wars come home to roost? Onward to our well deserved Weimar toilet paper future!

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