Sunday, June 1, 2014

How The Petrodollar Trade Works For The U.S. Explained

Discover why the Federal Reserve can keep increasing the money supply and yet inflation is never a problem. Find out why countries keep buying U.S. debt. I believe that about 70-80 percent of international transactions are currently conducted in dollars. It will be a while before the world gets out from under the boot heel of the petrol dollar, ..years ... but the change is coming, no more printing up wealth out of thin air and dumping it into the international markets. The big question might be will the western central banks do something stupid and insane in a desperate bid to retain their dollar dominance?

It's time to increase our dependence on hemp for oil, fuel, food, and building materials! If we convert the planet to a hemp economy, we'll live in world-wide peace, good health, and a massive surplus, plus the soil and atmosphere will go back into balance.Imagine US produced clothes made of hemp... hemp oil derived fuels American farmers working again... it is a win - win ...the Dupont`s don`t want the competition for their synthetic fibers so them and their oil buddies demonize hemp saying it will take the children away... total bullshit.. you can smoke hemp all day and get nothing but a headache.. alot of people don`t understand the difference between hemp and it`s cousins..


  1. This guy is a disillusioned nut case! Inflation is not a problem that's because food energy etc are not counted what a dummy! Money printing / dispensing is causing inflation and the World now uses around only 55% US Dollars for trade that is expected to drop to 35% by the end of 2014. The money printing has so over valued US stocks that when the market correction comes it will go down by 70+%. The US economy is turning into a basket case, Russia China and the now 80 BRICS nations will soon dump all their dollar holdings in one foul swoop. As for the US Treasuries No one but the FED is buying these to correct this problem for the Dollar interest rates will have to climb and that will be the death Nell for the US treasury!

  2. the problem is Washington is a fourth world nation on what culture, intelligence,diplomacy, foreign relations, wisdom. this fourth world regime has everyone under a suffering regime even at home. what Washington needs is advice, culture, education, enlightenment so they can act and behave as civilize folks, as this fourth world nation diplomatically is a danger to the human kind, hope president Holland of France will bring up the issue to president Obama the 7 of June. and be aware president putin CIA often has assassination teams deployed in Europe. so be careful.
