Saturday, June 21, 2014

How The DEBT BUBBLE Will COLLAPSE Global Economy!

Is Greece Really Back?At 27 percent, the unemployment rate remains alarmingly high, threatening the very fabric of society. The 58 percent rate of youth joblessness is particularly worrisomeThe official rate of unemployment during the Great Depression hit a peak in 1933 at 25%UNDER OBAMA, TEMP JOBS GREW 45%, MANUFACTURING SHRANK 3.2%General Motors to Invest $1 Billion in Brazil OperationsObama's education focus overlooks next financial contagion

It isn't an exaggeration when I state that the global economy will COLLAPSE under the weight of a massive debt load. There is no way out of this because of the extreme levels of unemployment that are spreading throughout the world.

The global economy will suffer under a tyranny which will be brought upon the world after a great crisis.

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