Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Hoover Dam the Next 9/11 Catastrophe !!!

A hidden message reveals Hoover Dam to be the next 9/11 catastrophe. Hidden right before our eyes!!!

also the big event Nibiru aligning up with several planets and this can cause a really big earthquake, this might begin July 5th 2014 after 4th of july holiday, keep watch and the second blood moon will appear October 2014. the next two blood moons will be in April 2015. so i feel the lord Jesus Christ is coming sooner than later. no more delaying, people need to repent from their sins now and believe in the lord Jesus Christ he is someone important to this entire universe and the creation that God did to bring humanity into existence. we have several things going to happen, another i opening for an event for July 27th 2014. iphone siri stated gates of hades opens and closes on september 3rd 2014. i feel something very huge is gonna occur, lets prepare now while there's time. 


  1. More speculative crap. Come on, get a handle on it, your making wild allegations all over the place.

  2. As it is written in 2Thessalonians chapter 2 Paul tells us our gathering back to Christ 2:3 will not happen until there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed the son of perdition. Thats satan himself folks when hes cast out of Heaven Rev.12:6-9 n appearing in Jerusalem claiming to be Jesus n will be Very Convincing. Their setting the stage now....

    1. The flood of water out of satans mouth refferred to in Rev 12:15 is a flood of lies as hes claiming to be Christ.....though only our Father Knows for Sure whats going to happen as we come closer to the end of this earth age.
