Sunday, June 1, 2014

Hemp Oil Economy vs. Petro Dollar Economy

Hemp has always been a cash crop. Fuel may be the most important product you can get from hemp for our growing energy needs, but there are literally thousands of different products you can make from hemp. From clothing, to makeup, to biodegradable plastics, it's pretty much a miracle plant. It has 4x the yield of tobacco, is incredibly resilient to changes in environment and it grows very quickly. I would argue that hemp would be a staple in any sustainable society. It's really a shame that it's illegal in the US.

Run Your Car on hemp oil :Hemp is legitimately very viable as a great industrial crop that likely would be the most useful crop If it were allowed to be grown. There really is no energy crisis in the true sense. By using and growing industrial hemp for fuel, the USA could be totally energy independent, have clean air, and have clean air. Both Henry Ford and Rudolf Diesel had the right ideas about industrial hemp as fuel.

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