Sunday, June 8, 2014

Fake Money For Fake People

Fake Money For Fake People . Make REAL Friends, find REAL Skills and stack REAL Wealth

"Money is a guise", "Money has no intrinsic worth". "Money is merely a medium of exchange", "What is Money is determined by the government". Such are the classic textbook definitions of "Money". But in reality true Money is what people agree on that is Money to use for the exchange of goods and services. The United States of America is now, unfortunately, the biggest debtor nation ever in the history of the world. Could not the government sometime revalue or readjust the US Dollar to a debt crisis? Yes, undoubtedly they could and will when the time comes. We have already seen this happen in the 20th Century several times with the modern industrial nation of Russia. Excessive government and debt actually caused the nation of Russia to have currency crisis many times within just the last 100 years and it was the hard working middle-class that lost all their saving that was accumulated in government paper. In the United States the same pattern of excess debt and government spending is taling place, so therefore it is not just a guess, but rather a guarantee that a true currency crisis will come about in the future. It may actually happen while Barrack Obama is in office as some very accurately call him the "Manchurian candidate". Our financial planners are the brightest people in the world. The obvious train-wreck that is coming must undoubtedly be part of a plan to usher the USA into a global financial system. When the train-wreck does arrive those that have their wealth in government fiat paper will lose most of it.

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