Friday, June 20, 2014

Economic Collapse 2014 -- U.S. Gov to PLUNDER Citizens during COLLAPSE | BrotherJohnF

IN THIS INTERVIEW:- Gold, silver, and palladium market update ►0:50- Viewers Questions:-- What is the significance of the silver fix being lifted? ►5:18-- Short "paper" metals market and accumulate physical? ►7:48-- Silver price to skyrocket to triple digits? ►9:55-- Precious metal confiscation? ►12:36-- Resources to become scarce during an economic collapse? ►16:18-- Federal Reserve secret printing and no high inflation? ►18:28-- Silver eagle numismatic premium to increase? ►20:27-- Insider trading and 401k's being used to prop up stocks? ►22:01-- Why isn't China buying silver? ►24:52-- Silver to drop significantly? ►26:18-- Bitcoin to collapse along with the U.S. dollar?

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