Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Complete Takeover Of America By 2016- HAPPENING NOW!

Since the 1770's the Rothschild family hse been involved in banking & money-lending.
Nathan Rothschild attempted to get America into debt by offering a huge loan to the american president to finance the crushing of the rebellion. When the president threw Rothschild out his study telling Rothschild he was a crook from a criminal family Rothschild sought revenge by talking the british government back home, into sending the british redcoats to America to help the southerners to overthrow the government. However, this failed and the british army ran for their lives when they met with the barrels of muskets at point-blank range at the famous battle of New Orleans.
Sworn to take revenge, the british monarchy and Rothschild masterminded an aquisition of America through deception involving signing a document that gave America its independance from Britain the wording of which was then interfered with within 24 hours of the signing where british the monarchy now owned America as a corporation called "The United States of America".
America was then used as the operating base for this cabals' evil agenda to take-over the world.
Rothschild learned through lending money to a wealthy jew in order to finance the Russian revolution (who was advised to change his name to Leon Trotsky to hide his real identity) that lending money for wars meant big profits.
More recently, wealthy bankers like Rothschild, Rockefeller & J P Morgan have learned that investing in weaponry companies boosts their profits even more when lending money to warring countries.
These wealthy bankers have also become expert at triggering these wars in the first place, when they then lend to all countries in the war, alongwith providing them with the weaponry they need.
Iraq for example bought heavy weaponry from these bankster-owned weaponry companies alongwith chemical weapons which the banksters knew full-well that they'd be stealing back after they invade Iraq on the pretext that Iraq has chemical & nuclear weapons!

Every war these fraudsters create make them even richer.

The World Bank has been operating since the end of the second world war lending money to poverty-stricken third world countries when the banksters know full-well that they'll soon be moving-in to take-over all that countries land, nationalised industries & infrastructure through the countrys' failure to pay back the loan.
Using this strategy the banksters have taken ownership of very many countries in the world.
Through the many recent invasions of countries on the pretext of these invasions being peacekeeping missions the banksters have increased their empire already, by gigantic proportions.
These invasions are financed by the Rothschild-owned Federal bank of America at no cost at all to the banksters who have unfettered access to the banks' printing presses, and therefore, a limitless money-supply.
The ability to print money limitlessly is a bank robbers dream come true.

Through the banksters huge wealth, they control many governments including the UK, America, Iraq, Australia, France (up-until the recent general election), Greece, Spain, etc.
Those countries not already owned by the cabal are run by puppet-presidents - often unwilling but servantile nonetheless through threats and intimidation, to the cabal.

The creation of Europe as a superstate was the cabals' work too as this takeover of the world has been in progress for many years believed to have been started initially in around 1776 by Adam Weisharp with the founding of the Bavarian illuminati, which joined forces at some stage with the jesuits, the fabian society, freemasonry, the Sicillian mafia, & Skull & Bones (the continuation of the Knights Templars).

All the most horrific secret societies are playing a part in this world-takeover where scarsity of water, scarsity of oil etc have been deliberately created to push-up prices.
It is believed that Britains' MI5 refused to be a part of this and this is why MI6 was created.
All monarchies around the world are also heavily involved in this including the UK's Queen Elizabeth 2 * the entire royal family.

1 comment:

  1. What you really want to be worried about is not all this confussion coming on this world, but knowing that the false messiah satan himself comes at the 6th trump claiming to be Jesus decieving the world. Our real Lord Jesus comes a short time after at the 7th trump
