Thursday, June 19, 2014

Build up to WW3 - RUSSIAN Military Base Bear UKRAINE Border Gets New Sukhoi Su-33 FIGHTER JETS

Build up to WW3 - RUSSIAN Military Base Bear UKRAINE Border Gets New Sukhoi Su-33 FIGHTER JETSThe Sukhoi Su-33 (Russian: Сухой Су-33; NATO reporting name: Flanker-D) is an all-weather carrier-based air defence fighter designed by Sukhoi and manufactured by KnAAPO. It is a derivative of the Su-27 "Flanker" and was initially known as the Su-27K. First used in operations in 1995 aboard the carrier Admiral Kuznetsov,[N 1] the fighter officially entered service in August 1998, by which time the designation "Su-33" was used. Following the break-up of the Soviet Union and the subsequent downsizing of the Russian Navy, only 24 aircraft were produced. Attempted sales to China and India fell through.Compared with the Su-27, the Su-33 has a strengthened undercarriage and structure, folding wings and stabilators, all for carrier operations. The wings are larger than on land-based aircraft for increased lift. The Su-33 has upgraded engines and a twin nose wheel, and is air refuelable. In 2009, the Russian Navy ordered the MiG-29K as a replacement for the Su-33.With the break-up of the Soviet Union, the Russian Navy was dramatically downsized, with many shipbuilding programmes stopped. Had the Varyag, Oryol and Ulyanovsk been commissioned, a total of 72 production airframes would have been built; the early-airborne warning and MiG-29K would also have proceed, instead of being abandoned.[7] Only 24 examples were built at the time Varyag was sold to China.[1] In 2009, the Russian Navy announced an order for 24 MiG-29Ks to replace the Su-33, to be delivered from 2011 to 2015. U.S. air defense systems reacted Monday when two of four nuclear-capable Russian bombers veered from Alaska to within 50 miles of the Californian coast — the closest since the Cold War. Soros Admits Responsibility for Coup and Mass Murder in UkraineColor revolution collaboration began soon after engineered fall of Soviet Union russia russian fleet jet . The untold story behind the crisis is that this is an energy tug of war being fought between Russia and the west, with Ukraine caught in the middle. Largest Gas Pipeline Serving Europe Through Ukraine Blows Up Not clear if the explosion was an accident or deliberate The German newspaper Bild am Sonntag reported on Sunday 400 U.S. mercenaries are working with the junta government in Ukraine to suppress opposition to the coup in the eastern part of the country. The newspaper said the for-profit mercenaries are actively participating in the effort to eliminate anti-coup activists in Slavyansk and possibly other areas in the Donetsk region."First on Ukraine, one of the things that many people recognized about you was that you during the revolutions of 1989 funded a lot of dissident activities, civil society groups in eastern Europe and Poland, the Czech Republic. Are you doing similar things in Ukraine?" Zakaria asked Soros.It is well-known, although forbidden for the establishment media to mention, that Soros worked closely with USAID, the National Endowment for Democracy (now doing work formerly assigned to the CIA), the International Republican Institute, the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, the Freedom House, and the Albert Einstein Institute to initiate a series of color revolutions in Eastern Europe and Central Asia following the engineered collapse of the Soviet Union.The Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod or "Brotherhood" natural gas pipeline in the Poltava region of central Ukraine has gone up in flames. It is the largest consumer gas pipeline in Europe supplying gas to the Czech Republic, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Hungary and countries in the Balkans. The pipeline stretches 2,800 miles from Siberia's Urengoy gas field through Ukraine to Europe.

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