Monday, June 16, 2014


Build up to WW3 - RUSSIA Set To CUT OFF All GAS SUPPLIES to UKRAINEBritain is drawing up plans with the US and other European countries to "disarm" the threat of President Vladimir Putin using Russian gas and oil supplies as "a weapon" against Ukraine and its Eastern European neighbours.Next month, David Cameron and other G7 leaders are expected to sign off on an "emergency response plan" to assist Ukraine this winter if Russia restricts gas supplies.At the same time, G7 energy ministers this week agreed a plan to eliminate Europe's reliance on Russian oil and gas over the longer term and prevent energy security being used as political bargaining chip by the Kremlin.After 10 years of negotiations, Russia's Gazprom and China's CNPC have finally signed a historic gas deal which will provide the world's fastest growing economy with the natural gas it needs to keep pace for the next 30 years.The total value of the contract is $400 billion, Gazprom CEO Aleksey Miller said. However, the price of gas stipulated in the document remains a "commercial secret."Assuming the overall price of the contract includes only the cost of supplies of Russian gas, then the $400 billion price tag means China will pay about $350 per 1,000 cubic meters. Delivery price for the contract will be tied to market oil prices, Putin said from Shanghai on Tuesday.Infrastructure investment from both sides will be more than $70 billion and will be the world's largest construction project, with Russia providing $55 billion up front and China $22 billion for pipelines on their respective territories.This is Gazprom's biggest contract to date.Russia will supply China 38 billion cubic meters of gas per year via the eastern 'Power of Siberia' pipeline, which crosses Siberia and reaches China's populous northeast regions. A separate route that could deliver gas to China's western provinces and provide diversification is also in the works, according to Putin.A memorandum of understanding was signed in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and President of China Xi Jinping on the second day of Putin's two-day state visit to Shanghai.According to Miller, the deal was set to go through at 4:00pm Shanghai time when he understood "all fundamental issues were resolved."RT producers were informed of the landmark energy deal prior to its signing after a conversation with Miller. russia gas supplies ukraine deadline debt loan bill gazprom moscow . putin situation usa u.s. "united states" false flag attack lindsey williams louis farrakhan alex jones infowars neo nazi politics illuminati collapse puppet eu gerald celente jim rogers investment gold silver price bitcoin survival bugout demcad american blackout The deal comes as a part of Russia's larger-scale pivot to Asia and especially China as Western economies threaten sanctions over turmoil in Ukraine. Sanctions by the US and the EU have been mostly limited to visa bans and asset freezes on some of Russia's top officials, while so far only threatening a so-called third round of real economic sanctions against Russian hydrocarbon businesses.Just ahead of Putin's visit to Shanghai, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev gave reassurance that the agreed price would be fair."One side always wants to sell for a higher price, while the other wants to buy for a lower price," Medvedev said. "I believe that in the long run, the price will be fair and totally comparable to the price of European supplies."But now the Russian media is reporting that the Russian Ministry of Finance is getting ready to pull the trigger on a "de-dollarization" plan. For decades, virtually all oil and natural gas around the world has been bought and sold for U.S. dollars. As I will explain below, this has been a massive advantage for the U.S. economy. In recent years, there have been rumblings by nations such as Russia and China about the need to change to a new system, but nobody has really had a big reason to upset the status quo. However, that has now changed. The struggle over Ukraine has caused Russia to completely reevaluate the financial relationship that it has with the United States. If it starts trading a lot of oil and natural gas for currencies other than the U.S. dollar, that will be a massive blow for the petrodollar, and it could end up dramatically changing the global economic landscape.

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