Sunday, June 15, 2014

Build Up to WW3 -- Iran Sends Troops Into Iraq. US Sends Aircraft Carrier!

Iran sends in troops into Iraq in order to help their neighbour (Who they're not exactly on good terms with) to rid the presence of al-Qaeda. The US has sent in a warship "just in case" they should need it. Additionally, the Pentagon stated that they need to protect their interests in Iraq.

Clearly any escalation of this chaos will lead to more military intervention, more death, and more money spent needlessly.

*Pentagon orders aircraft carrier to Gulf to add Iraq military option"The order will provide the Commander-in-Chief additional flexibility should military options be required to protect American lives, citizens and interests in Iraq,"Analyst: Fall Of Baghdad Would Make Current Gas Prices 'Look Like A Bargain'Obama rules OUT sending troops back into combat in Iraq but promises to review military options -- including air strikes Iran sends troops into Iraq to aid fight against Isis militants


  1. washington is regressing, this actually means they are going dumb! however the , is how and from whom. one thing is idiot americans and another is a regresing mind! that is not quite the same, is even outside media brainwashing. soon america population will no longer have a mind. and this is not CIA, or NSA. is a lot worse, the idiots of washington are in fact idiots. but how they got there now 2014 is what we want to know understand and moreover how?

    1. the us didn't become most powerful country in the world by idiots. it's political corruptiion and corporate greed that's bringing us down. and when you say "americns" today, you're talking about citizens from every country in the world.
