Monday, June 2, 2014

Benjamin Fulford June 3, 2014 “Pope Francis pushes for one world religion as Western elite hits the panic button”

Ben Fulford, June 3, 2014: Pope Francis pushes for one world religion as Western elite ...

Pope Francis pushes for one world religion as Western elite hits the panic button
During his recent trip to the Middle East, Pope Francis was able to get agreement from Muslim and Jewish authorities for a unified monotheism but was unable to convince the Orthodox Christians, according to P2 Freemason sources.
As the Pope visited the Middle East, the head of the Italian P2 Freemason lodge was in the Philippines where he tried to cash six bonds, including the one pictured here:
These 15 quadrillion dollar bonds are supposed to be backed by “King Solomon’s tunnel of gold,” according to the P2.
The White Dragon Society suggested to the P2 that they start by bringing just one kilo of gold to generate cash to bring over more kilos of this mythical gold. The WDS also suggested the Orthodox Christians might be more open minded about unity when the mass murder stops in places like Syria, the Ukraine, Iraq and Afghanistan.
The push for a one world religion comes as a series of public and private pronouncements by Western elites makes it clear that there is panic in the ranks of the Nazi/Zionist leadership.
As this report was going to press, King Juan Carlos of Spain announced he was abdicating his throne, thus joining the King of Belgium, the Queen of the Netherlands, and pope maledict in quitting recently.
Last week Prince “want to be reincarnated as a killer virus” Charles said: “we can choose to act now before it is finally too late, using all of the power and influence that each of you can bring to bear to create an inclusive, sustainable and resilient society,” he said in a speech to 200 business leaders, including the IMF’s Christine Lagarde and CEOs of many major multinational corporations. Charles said the elite had an 18 month window to act, presumably meaning until the end of US president Obama’s term.
Sources at the Pentagon and the CIA however, think that Obama will be…

1 comment:

  1. MI6 and the Israelis starting to panic about the new Pope who is jolly decent thus far?
