Tuesday, June 10, 2014

As The Dollar Collapses Bankers Are Taking Measures To Protect Themselves

The ECB has not established negative interest rates and the next phase is to put in place capital controls to prevent people from removing their cash. Chase is going to charge customers fees for depositing cash deposits. Russia is continually bypassing the dollar by making deals with companies and countries to use other currency bypassing the dollar. Student's cannot get jobs after college so Obama has announced a program for those student's who are plagued with debt. There was another mass shooting in Las Vegas and now they are spinning the story to fit DOJ hunt for domestic terrorists. U.S is continuing the ramp up of military assets in Eastern Europe. Syrian rebels are meeting with Israel in secret to plan the next event.

1 comment:

  1. the way washington hope to counter russia and china is by creating a police state in america, destroy the constitution and end the civil rights, bill of rights, Noah chomsky will feel he is in another nation so far from the america he once knew is gone dead RIP: that today usa of america is in fact the new soviet oppressive nation under surveillance and enslavement, "orwellian laws to you folks the lot of you no exception" promote racial wars between blacks and whites and use it to enslave the 99%. 1% your new master; exist and worship the FED and wall street the rest is just junk like the lot of the us army just meat to be like like dog's, they die in Normandy, in vietnam, and on the liberty ship and will continue to die for banks and wall street..: as idiots this army OF, LGBT...!
