Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Another Shooting in Vancouver , The 2nd Amendment in Danger

2 in one day now huh, its either Mk-Ultra stuff or Media Fake garbage. Wake up people they are coming for the 2nd Amendment. 

 The amount of this sort of thing happening so close together and it happening globally is a little odd. I really got to wonder the reason behind it, is it societies sense of morality just disappearing, or is it something more sinister. One could speculate that there is a mind altering program where all the government or some black organization that could just push a button and buddy goes crazy. Is it frequencies that humanity pollutes into the atmosphere daily that is corrupting the way people think.  It's legal for the US government to use propaganda on the general public, who knows what that entails, everything from programing what you dream at night to slipping in subliminal messages into the shows we watch...?maybe.

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