Monday, June 16, 2014

America and Britain in Prophecy

Many wonder about America and Britain's role in Bible prophecy in the last days. Are they mentioned? If so, where—and what is their future?


  1. Warning sign anyone selling their book preaching the word of god not buying the book or the bS

  2. Warmed over pro-Zionist Armstrongism. Complete of bollocks and the world did not end in 1975.
    Just crap from idiots who think Americans are the "chosen people". They are very "exceptional" meaning exceptionally arrogant and exceptionally stupid.

  3. This is just American garbage. It is true that it is warmed over Armstrongism. Armstrong had the "Plain Truth" and had the program "Wonderful world tomorrow" and called his organisation the "Radio Church of God" and then it became the "Worldwide Church of God". He reckoned the world would end in 1975 and he loved the land stealing entity called "Israel" and hated Palestinian who tried to stand up against the outrages of Jewish criminals and called them "terrorists" but he was friends with that arch-terrorist Menachem Begin.
    These are the kind of idiots that try and boggle the mind with their money making crap.
