Friday, June 13, 2014

Alex Jones Show: Friday (6-13-14) Dave Krieger & Dr. Joel Wallach

On the Friday, June 13 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the growing turmoil in Iraq, as jihadists with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), an al-CIA-da offshoot, run roughshod over security forces, loot the nation's banks, and impose sharia law, forcing hundreds of thousands to flee their homes. Jones also continues dissecting the metastasizing immigration problem and the consequences of allowing the invasion to flood past the border. On today's show, Alex welcomes biomedical research pioneer and author, Dr. Joel Wallach, to speak on his latest book, Epigenetics: The Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission, which discusses the relationships between nutrition, genetics and disease. Also today, the author of the book Clouded Titles, an exposé on the ongoing mortgage scandal impacting millions of Americans, Dave Krieger joins the show to discuss the current state of the economy and what he forecasts for the future. We'll also hit on other major news items and take your calls on this global edition

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