Sunday, June 1, 2014

ALERT -- The U.S. Preparing A Full Military Strike In Libya?

IMF is set to give Greece another round of bailout money. This will not help Greece it will make it worse. Spain's long term unemployment will rise 500%. Americans are scrambling for cash and taking loans out on their homes, a repeat of 2007-2008. NSA reported to be collecting millions of images each day for the facial recognition database, plus the NSA is ready to create the next generation bio-metric database. China's and Russia's hyper-sonic missiles are a direct threat to the U.S., congress just approved a 70 million dollar budget to develop these types of weapons by 2015. There is now an assault ship off the coast of Libya, the US has put up warnings that all American should leave, Jordan and the Philippines are now orders their people to leave. Be prepared for a military strike.

1 comment:

  1. Obama forces president Holland of France.. to buy gas from California.. what an idiocy no wonder the USA & Washington, are totally insane or they just plain dumb, why go to Mars to get gas when you have it next door, in Russia,...only an idiot will do that, is even ecologically, economically, and natural insane. and if europeans agreed the planet will understand why Europe has collapse European leaders are a bunch of idiots if they pursue this road of insanity.
