Saturday, May 3, 2014

WW3 UPDATE: Ukrainian Military Attacking Kramatorsk & Russia as protesters burnt alive in Odessa

Real people being used as pawns in this game of geopolitics, that's the real tragedy.

Well, some western politicians went as far as suggesting the people who were burnt alive in Odessa brought the whole thing upon themselves. That's as the US Sate Department limited its reaction to calling for an investigation.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What an evil bunch of bastards there are in the US Government and among their vile poodles in NATO. It is time to dissolve NATO and for the vile US military to go home. The world needs the new "American century" as much as the Jews need the Nazis. The governments in NATO are mere traitors to their own people and should stop using their citizens to commit war crimes for the Micky Mouse land of the fat fuckers. It costs too much in any case and why should Europeans pay one penny towards the most evil and corrupt entity since Nazi Germany.
    Ukraine need bastards like Nuland sponsoring fascist coups like a hole in the head. Such scum as that Yankee piece of shit along with Timoshenko should be hanged by the neck until dead
