Saturday, May 17, 2014

Why You Should NOT Join The Military

The communist elite that run most of the governments of the world will imprison, murder or starve YOU if you try to buck the system that they've created for you. We're not going to beat them by peaceful means, the communist elite bankers already own most of the wealth of the world. They are already making their plans to murder or replace us. We have very little time. Globalist multiculturalism (the flooding of Europe with immigrants) has destroyed much of Europe. The communist elite are already pushing for gun registration/confiscation in America. When the communist elite took over Russia in 1917 they STARVED and murdered over 40 million Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians, people of the Baltic States and others from eastern Europe before and after WW2 but only after most of the people were disarmed. Whatever you do don't register or turn in your guns to these elite or millions of Americans will die. We need to get together, and NOT fight as individuals against this beast system, Antichrist government.

1 comment:

  1. Please sign this petition against project Haarp and Chemtrails
    From Stop poisoning our planet and Humanity with ChemtrailsTo be delivered to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama

    We have got enough of project Haarp. Stop Chemtrails all over the world.
    Stop poisoning the air of our planet and Humanity.Stop those creasy crimes against Humanity.

    UN Speaker Proves Chemtrail Deniers are Liars. Says Chemtrails are Real. Skies filled. A UN speaker admitted during an assembly that Chemtrails are Real and are being sprayed from planes. She speaks about weather modification.

    Elisabetta Errani… to Dr. Eileen Ruth B…, YONNETTE HOOPER, Catarina Alexon, Teresa Proctor, Tina Jonasen and 194 more…

    Chemtrails finally proven by whistleblower

    Will you sign my petition? Click here to add your name:

