Monday, May 19, 2014

What Really Happened to Flight MH370 ?

 Exclusive: The Real Story Of Flight MH370

What happened to Flight MH370? This probing investigation looks at the minutes and hours after the aircraft went off the radar, revealing new information about the sequence of events that night.

"It's without precedent. How can a modern jet airliner just disappear?" Since 7:24 on the morning of March 8th, when the governing body of Malaysia Airlines released a statement announcing it had lost contact with a Boeing 777 bound for Beijing, the world - aviation experts, computer scientists, and the public alike - has been asking the same question. Flying conditions were almost perfect: minimal wind and cloud forecast along the six-hour flightpath, and in the cockpit, a 30-year veteran of the airline with more than 18,000 hours of flying experience and an unblemished record of service. But with fingers being pointed at Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, and suspicions surrounding the emergency response yet unappeased, this incisive report goes straight to the source. In their first televised interview, the family of the arraigned pilot speak candidly about the fallout of the tragedy, and in an exclusive one-on-one interview, the country's embattled Defence Minister offers his view on who might be behind the mysterious disappearance. With never-before-heard testimony, this doc offers a rare insight into a matter clouded by speculation. "Zaharie was an invisible pilot. All pilots like to be invisible, meaning bosses don't know about them."

ABC Australia - Ref 6141

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