Monday, May 12, 2014

Wayne Madsen : The West Destabilizing The Ukraine

After the Russian takeover of the Crimea, several mysterious groups have appeared in eastern Ukraine, taking control of local centers of power.

Western powers claim Russia is engaging in a new style of small-scale warfare. Vladimir Putin denies the gunmen are controlled by Moscow.

Some observers believe the photos are not of Russian secret agents, but are digital created using programs like Photoshop.

Wayne Madsen is an investigative journalist who has been researching foreign policy of the United States for several years. He believes the armed personnel in the area are not Russian, but are controlled by a different force.

He is also the author of "The CIA: Photoshopping a Crisis into a War." in this article, Madsen details problems with the idea the gunmen are from Russia.


  1. what is not clear the purpose, to create an ukrainian syria, on the borders of europe & russia. now it is the planet that is being destabilized by the neocons financiers; this UN is no longer working, israel is still a mess! the problem with russia is nuclear not ground forces or anything else like it. by putin posture and experience i would not underestimate it, neither russian nuclear forces. the global equation is that neocons cannot win, is no longer like they visioned. the saudi kingdom is collapsing.

  2. they want to provoke Russia, whats not to understand?
