Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Alex Jones Show(VIDEO Commercial Free) Sunday May 4 2014: News

On the Sunday, May 4 worldwide broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Jones delves into the MERS virus scare and discusses other new super-bugs threatening humanity's existence. Alex also sheds light on DARPA's plans to implant chips in soldiers' brains, and novel workaround approaches to banning firearms, including "smart guns" outfitted with biometric technologies. On today's show, we'll look at the various signs indicating the slow-motion economic collapse is accelerating, and we'll also play highlights from our recent bombshell interviews with Benghazi whistleblower and former CIA contract pilot Tosh Plumlee, who faces a Justice Department subpoena for his knowledge in covert government gun-running schemes. Tune in to this special global transmission, live from 4PM to 6PM CST.

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