Sunday, May 18, 2014

Something Is Going On - Strange Weather Around The World 2014

extreme weather events bible prophecy blood moon 2014

Earth is going fragile under reckless release of heat and our intrusion into night cycle. Increased heat of the environment is shearing the system. The unwinding force of heat is opposed by winding force of earth that is leading to flash floods//snows, earth quake and volcanic eruption. We are stressing earth without understanding the principle and design on which she functions. Fire and flash floods, earth quakes and volcanic eruptions will strikes us repeatedly both in magnitude and in number, till we awaken to the simple reality of parallel and multiple world design and know the energy cycle in which we live. We need to introspect on how we are intruding into earth’s functioning. The delay to awaken could end in destruction of much of human population on earth as Noble laureate James Lovelock predicted it. We need to look at the universe as living one and awaken to Human role in it

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