Friday, May 30, 2014

Sofia Smallstorm -- Chemtrails, The Great Culling, Synthetic Biology, and Agenda 21

S y n o p s i s

How do artificial clouds form? As power plants belch vast quantities of steam skyward, aerosol particulates sprayed through the atmosphere cause the vapor to nucleate around them into white haze, which can then be concentrated into man-made clouds. WeatherWar101 has identified and explains this process (using Nexrad/Doppler technology) in his detailed videos.

The feathery, streaky things you see in the sky these days are most likely not clouds. They are the result of material left in the wake of jet aircraft, and are referred to by government agencies as mere "contrails," but the jet contrails we saw as children never ended up as clouds. Do airplanes make clouds, Mommy? NASA would have us think so, but as someone once said, you can't fool all of the people all of the time. 9/11 was a covert operation that birthed the US police state. While many people -- distracted by entertainment, sports and shopping -- are blissfully unaware that their freedoms are being stripped from them, you would think they might look up in the sky and notice the very strange clouds above their heads. Not so. The spraying is in some ways like the emperor's new clothes -- someone has to point it out before we can see it for ourselves. Once you can SEE, you then begin to NOTICE.

We discussed how chemtrails could be the great culling. This delivery mechanism could be responsible for a new breed of humans - synthetic biology - via nano technology particles that could alter our DNA. Genetically modified organisms, Agenda 21, and much more.

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