Friday, May 30, 2014

SHOCKER: Obama Preparing to Attack Veterans

This is sad yet Interesting, that the DHS Document at frame 3:05 States: "Military Veterens who have fought in foreign wars, who are "disgruntled" about the take over of the US" "THE TAKE OVER OF THE US!" That document openly reveals that the USA has been taken over? This means that the DHS is, in reality, a domestic enemy. An enemy that portrays anyone who opposes their rules as terrorist. Here's some food for thought: Obamas' new currency law goes in affect July 1, 2014. Financial pundits are worried that this law will be the end of the US dollar as the world trade currency,thus shattering our economy. This will piss a lot of people off and ruin many lives financially. China and Russia even Australia plus many other nations are steering away from the US Dollar and have no need for US trade. The US is idebted to China by 1 trillion. The next two years will be very interesting to say the least. I am going to need to get a hair cut and a rifle.I will be fighting to restore our constitution and to imprison those who destroyed our country with their totalitarian, illegitimate government! SUCK IT NSA!

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