Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Secret 2014 Bilderberg Agenda Revealed -- Daniel Estulin

Alex Jones and Daniel Estulin break down the secret agenda of Bilderberg and how we can better stop them from carrying out their plans.

Daniel Estulin, Alex Jones

Investigative journalist Daniel Estulin, who's been researching the Bilderberg Group for more than 14 years, discussed the far-reaching influence the group wields in domestic and world affairs. Describing them as an "aristocracy of purpose," the 130 or so individuals gather for a private meeting held once a year and hail mostly from the United States and Europe.

The Bilderbergers decide jointly on the best way to deal with the resources of the planet, and exert control over energy and money supplies, reported Estulin. The structure of the group is not pyramidal with one person at the top-- it is "oval" with three groups of 13 people deciding the particular issues and participants in a given year, he added.

Ultimately, the Bilderbergers seek to destroy the US and world economies, so they can consolidate power, said Estulin, who advised people to take their investments out of banks and corporations and put their money in one's local economies. Based on his study of the group, he has concluded that a war with Iran is "off the table," oil will rise to $120 - $130 a barrel and Putin will not be "dislodged" from Russia.

Joining the conversation for the third hour, radio host Alex Jones spoke about a plan he said is backed by the Bilderbergers to reduce the planet's population. He also noted that the "globalists" engineered the drop of the US dollar.

Daniel Estulin is an investigative journalist who has been researching the Bilderbergers for over 14 years. He is the author of The True Story of the Bilderberg Group and the host of a show on RT (Russia Today). Daniel joins us to discuss real life key elements from his novel Octopus Deception, based on the work of Danny Casolaro. We'll discuss Operation Lily and the war loot stolen in Asia by Japanese forces during World War II, ultimately ending up in the hands of The Black Eagle Trust, of which controls the world economy and governments. Daniel talks about the planned destruction of the economy in order to maintain the system of control by international bankers as a new form of empire. He explains how money has nothing to do with economy. We speak more on the strong dollar policy, financial terrorism and the central banking warfare model. Later, we discuss Daniel's book "Deconstructing Wikileaks."He gives us his take on Wikileaks, Julian Assange, the Occupy movement and Anonymous. We end on Jim Tucker, the trailblazing journalist and author of Jim Tucker's Bilderberg Diary, who, since 1975, has focused on the Bilderberg Group. Daniel explains how the Bilderberg Group isn't the seat of power as many believe. The same goes for the Rockefellers who serve as a lackey to the real power who we never see or hear about.

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