Thursday, May 15, 2014

Save The Internet : As FCC Votes on Internet's Future, What's the Best Way to Protect Net Neutrality ?

Further videos about topics addressed are available in Recent Activities, Favourites, Play Lists on my channels. Mirrored and published with the permission of: - The Federal Communications Commission is voting today on new rules that may effectively abandon net neutrality, the concept of a free and open Internet. The FCC proposal would let Internet providers charge media companies extra fees to receive preferential treatment, such as faster speeds for their products and content. Under previous regulations struck down earlier this year, providers were forced to provide all content at equal speeds. Just steps from the vote, demonstrators have set up an "Occupy the FCC" encampment calling for federal regulators to reclassify broadband service as a public utility, which would allow for the requirement of net neutrality rules. The CEOs of 28 U.S. broadband providers and trade groups have asked the FCC not to classify broadband as a utility, arguing that regulating broadband would "impose great costs, allowing unprecedented government micromanagement of all aspects of the Internet economy." We host a debate on net neutrality with two guests: Timothy Karr of the media reform group Free Press, who backs greater regulation; and Joshua Steimle, a tech entrepreneur who argues the government should not be entrusted with regulating the Internet.

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