Monday, May 26, 2014

Russia's Secret Weapon To Defeat America

America has been occupied since its creation!They built it to bring it down!America and every other so-called free nation has been nothing more than one huge think tank for the hidden in power! who are the real ones with the strength to take down nations?The U.N?Illuminati?These groups are only fronts for the true diabolical forces who rule from within every nation under Lucifer!

USA has 105% national debt, Russia has 10%. If they wanted to destroy the United States they could abandon dollar debt. Don't piss them off, not just because of their weapons.Unfortunately destroying your enemy is still destruction, and no construction. It's nice to blame an outside force for your problems, you could; if you use that theory, destroy all of your problems by neutralizing an outside force. HOWEVER, the US and Russia both suffer from internal 'parasites' as per "those who contribute to the greater cause". Russia and the US are unparalleled in their knowledge of how the Universe actually is. Be it that knowledge enlightens, or be it Human Nature precede.

1 comment:

  1. ukraine is gone, it will not join europe as most europeans are against ukrainian immigration, so today the so call ukraine has a new olygarg no different than the last one ukrainians in fact are they dumb, this ukrainians that believe in democracy, washington illusions of hollywood. or stupid or is just CIA brainwash that the lot of ukrainians believe.
    the problem is the $ as reserve currency but ukrainian idiots do all they can to destroy ukraine, so how can you help them anyone help them at all. the russian side is the only one that has a chance to survive..
