Monday, May 12, 2014

Ron Paul -- US Double Standards on The Ukraine Crisis

Ron Paul: World can see America's hypocrisy on Ukraine crisis .Former congressman Ron Paul is again condemning US double standards over the crisis in Ukraine. In an op-ed piece, Paul takes issue with the US State Department's declared support for the Maidan protests and riots in March, but current condemnation of dissidents in eastern Ukraine. The interim government in Kiev has been conducting an "anti-terrorism" operation in eastern Ukraine for several weeks, and Paul believes US support of the operation constitutes "hypocrisy." RT's Lindsay France has more details on the statement by the libertarian politician and activist.

1 comment:

  1. mr paul: democracy in america does not exist, neither on the western nations, especially europe. the first signs of democracy exist in crimea, and the regions of ukraine, those are so far the first signs of democracy on the western domain up to now. you got the power of money that purchases the politicians all included, you got the media & hollywood that is part of the money power, their role is to conduct citizens to think as they wish, they have achieve that, americans do not have an independent mind. therefore is no solution, for the america citizens unless they throw everyone out of office take over the financial system themselves the 99% throw everyone out and replaced by new people, do the same with hollywood and the main media outlets, justice department and rewrite a new constitution, reform educational system so it is no longer indoctrination; a new currency and new wiser laws. in short change practically the current structure of the nation. 75% of how the us is run is useless, and this is a big job, not impossible but complicated it demands great skills and intelligence superior awareness.
