Thursday, May 29, 2014

Rob Kirby -- Dollar Will Absolutely Go to Zero

Soon the sheep will wake up to the fact that, for many years now, an organized criminal cabal has been in control of the banking and financial centers, the media and the government of the United States. And soon the sheep will realize that the U.S. in particular, and the western world in general, have been looted right down to the chandeliers

Macroeconomic analyst Rob Kirby has 15 years' experience as an international derivatives broker. There are hundreds of trillions in derivatives spread around at the major global banks. There is no public market, no standards, and no guarantees. If someone miscalculates by a small amount, Kirby says the whole system could crash. Kirby explains, "You've got one bank in Germany that's got a derivatives book that is 20 times the size of Germany's GDP . . . . Germans have seen their currency go to zero. Germans know this can happen because it's happened to them. Americans don't think this can happen to them. Americans think they can print money until the cows come home and that they can control anything by printing more money. You can't solve a problem of indebtedness by continuing to print money. This is fraud on the highest, highest order. This is not going to end well. What they are doing is bluffing with the future of humanity. They are bluffing with the future of mankind."

Kirby goes on to predict, "Ultimately, we are going to get to a place where we will have no more choices. It will blow up. We are seeing cracks in the foundation of this fraud. . . . Gold and silver is your life insurance policy, and it isn't going to come into its own until this current system breaks. I think we're close to the current system breaking. . . . The way America is printing dollars, the dollar will absolutely go to zero."

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