Saturday, May 10, 2014

Road to WW3 -- KERRY Calls RUSSIA to De-Escalation the UKRAINE CRISIS

Poor John Kerry. He is prone to foot-in-mouth syndrome, but clearly the stress is getting to him. It's understandable. The Secretary of State and his minions went and provoked a regime change in Ukraine to which they sang the chorus "democracy" and "people power" only to discover that: 1) the new leadership has a bad case of Basil Fawlty syndrome, stiff-arming at every opportunity; and 2) a good chunk of the country (as the rest of us could tell looking at voting maps) had no intention of going along with the US-engineered regime change in Kiev.

Or so John Kerry claims? Or so the Telegraph is reporting John Kerry claiming this?
And let's read the claim of proof..
Ukraine separatists push east as UN intercepts Moscow ordersPlease take note that this is such explosive proof it warrants just a few sentences in this entire article. John Kerry, the US secretary of state, revealed that American eavesdroppers have overheard intelligence operatives being directed by Moscow. "We know exactly who's giving those orders, we know where they are coming from," he said, in remarks to a private meeting that were leaked on Tuesday. "Intel is producing taped conversations of intelligence operatives taking their orders from Moscow and everybody can tell the difference in the accents, in the idioms, in the language."

The threat of war in Ukraine is growing. As the unelected government in Kiev declares itself unable to control the rebellion in the country's east, John Kerry brands Russia a rogue state. The US and the European Union step up sanctions against the Kremlin, accusing it of destabilising Ukraine. The White House is reported to be set on a new cold war policy with the aim of turning Russia into a "pariah state".

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday again warned Russia of increased sanctions if it tries to sabotage presidential elections in Ukraine, while on Capital Hill some lawmakers expressed frustration with what they see as the Obama administration's incremental measures.

Russia's foreign minister has ruled out holding fresh talks in Geneva to defuse the Ukraine crisis, unless pro-Russian opposition groups are involved.

The IMF has told Kiev that if it doesn't defend eastern areas of Ukraine against pro-Russian forces, or in other words risk going to war with Russia and starting World War 3, that a planned $17 billion dollar bailout package will have to be "redesigned".

Ironically, a huge chunk of that money will be used to pay Russian-owned natural gas supplier Gazprom, with whom Kiev is behind on its bills. A Chinese satellite probing the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 "observed a suspected crash area at sea," a Chinese government agency said — a potentially pivotal lead into what thus far has been a frustrating, fruitless search.

Corpse of Cold War propaganda enthusiastically resurrected by mainstream media

The establishment has begun a new mass marketing campaign for World War III, equating Vladimir Putin with Adolf Hitler.

As we have documented, asset stripping of troubled countries, achieved by means of onerous austerity measures imposed on the poor and middle class, is standard operating procedure for the IMF, which pulled the same stunt in numerous other countries including Greece and Cyprus.


  1. Catherine Ashton is an unelected buffoon, the same as the unelected fascist putsch in Ukraine. Kerry is just a fool with a big mouth and no sense. Of course Lavrov will run circles around these 2 charlatans and fraudulent supporters of fascism. He already did that over their attempt to send the bombers in to murder Syrians.

  2. the monkeys on the white house taking cue from you know who! ask the planet to nuke, volcanos like yellowstone, promote earthquakes, in southern california and target the madrids falls, hopefully this will send the usa to jurassic park days and probably the rest of the planet, as well. the us will disappear from the face of earth, a good thing however the rest of the planet will probably suffer, not as much but, this massive earthquakes trigger unexpected consequences ask american scientist they will open the eyes of the monkeys on the white house. and advice if they can..!! ask when you go for a kill on the game of thrones you wipe out continents. is the logical answer to aggression... and more effective than conventional wars, after the explosion of yellowstone, jurassic gift to humanity to protect themselves from the monkeys in the white house. targeting only 3 precise nuclear bombs, on yellowstone, 6 on the madrid falls and 10 on the LA earthquake strip is over for the continent. no need of troops planes, ships or even cyber warfare nothing! this 20 nukes will do more harm than the totality of the global nuclear arsenals.
