Thursday, May 1, 2014

RED ALERT -- Ukraine Explodes In Violence! Helicopter Shot Down and Heavy Fighting In Slavyansk!
The Ukrainian army has reportedly begun a special operation against pro-autonomy activists in the eastern town of Slavyansk. The city is now blocked by the Ukrainian military, with 20 helicopters used to crack down on self-defense forces.
Two more helicopters have been shot down by self-defense forces, according to reports. Earlier, two helicopters were reportedly shot down, with one pilot dead and another one captured, RIA Novosti news agency reported.
One protester was killed, and another one injured during the attack on the city, according to the self-defense forces.
The Slavyansk self-defense leader also said that helicopters are shooting down at the city with missiles, but that there have been no reports of damage, Interfax reported.
Slavyansk self-defense forces told RIA Novosti that the Ukrainian military has attacked several positions.

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