Wednesday, May 7, 2014

RED ALERT -- Dirty Bomb Material Seized In Ukraine To Be Used For A False Flag Event in Russia on May 9th Victory Day Celebrations

The amount of uranium needed to create one Hiroshima sized bomb could fit into 6 soft drink cans--radioactive material could be anywhere right now .There could very well be a false flag event in Russia on May 9th during their Victory Day Celebrations

Government pushing climate change because Obamacare is not pulling in the tax money that was expected. People enrolled in Obamacare are not paying. DHS was created to control and spy the American people and not to stop terrorists. The US is using sex trafficking excuse to invade Nigeria because of the vast natural resources. Russia is bring subs, ships and other military assets into Crimea. The US government is pushing the anti-terrorism agenda in Ukraine. Syria paid mercenaries are being paid 27 million dollars to push the war agenda before elections. Dirty bomb material was seized in Ukraine, the Ukraine officials report that a Russian was involved. Be prepared for false flag event, this event will make it look like Russia was involved and caused the devastation.

1 comment:

  1. worlds troublemakers this 1776 mistake is once again on its idiotic conquest of false democracy false constitution false ideas, false revolution, idiotic philosophy pure ignorance raw ignorance, after engendering ww1 and 2 now promoting ww3+ ! this 1492 bluder must regain is place return to what is was a colony, and evolve into a decent and civilized nation. the you lot can be considered part of western culture. folks, the world does not hate america they dislike idiocy.
