Thursday, May 8, 2014

Paul Craig Roberts -- World War 3: The Death of America - Russia, Crimea and Ukraine

Stefan Molyneux speaks with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts the death of the constitutional American republic, what can be learned from the situation in Crimea and Ukraine, the United States showdown with Russia, the German response to Edward Snowden, the rise of the Wolfowitz doctrine and the failure of United States intelligence before 9/11.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under Ronald Regan and is a former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. Dr. Roberts is the author of "How America Was Lost: From 9/11 to the Police/Warfare State"


  1. paul this time your analysis is totally wrong, reality is western media is collapsing, wall street casino is no longer credible and the $ as reserve currency is gone; any nation that lessons to washington is crazy. europeans are turning to reason and are living the barbarians of washington on their own. this wars will achieve nothing as washington will not only disintegrate from between, but is falling apart now. whatever the west says is irrelevant Putin russia, can sit and let washington act, and they will bring europe on a plater to russia, everything that the west does it turns to the advantage of russia putin, america in fact needs to be recolonised remember it was once a colony 200 years ago, so this process will need a recurrence but not by the UK, who has created a insane monster and a uncivilized barbarians, "american citizens" even chomski will now agreed with me. as alex jones say's a 1776 yes but before that a reeducation of the nation is a must. so putin will have nothing to do as the idiots of washington you can now confirm that are in fact idiots.

  2. 9/11 the facts: basically it is irrelevant who did it Jews, Zionist, Arabs, bin laden, the guy next door.. it is irrelevant, what matters is from 2001 to today.. The plan is to put Washington into a bin, aside isolated; mindless confuse broke, and force to destroy itself to survive. today it is isolated, this us army useless has it no longer has any reason to be, all this propaganda media, main media; I-phones, and the desire to buy junk is gone, moreover all Washington’s puppet states are now turning themselves against their master, Israel is totally disorganize and the world trade center world order is now gone, as a building but also psychologically and consciously. This is what 9/11, achieved. This is the aftermath of that reality. Just by destroying two buildings you bring down an Empire. So you now understand this useless mindless American nuclear armed empire is pure junk.. This TOP GUN is a joke, and Americans do now understand why they are somehow a third nation with a lot less wisdom than a decade ago, they are becoming dumber and stupid by the hour as now you have a police state forced on you the citizens. intelligence reality. The technology I-phones are becoming junk are junk.. Junk and all this gadget is as well on the way out, by 2015 is over for Silicon Valley.. Is now junk valley all this achieved by two commercial airliners. So who needs American technology, only an idiot?

  3. America deserves Obama. He is doing to America the same thing that the USA is doing to the rest of the world. What goes around..comes around...America has been RAPING and ROBBING the rest of the world for decades...bend over..and brace's payback time! Think about it..the FEMA camps will be staffed by relatives and friends of your past victims.

    1. I'm an American and unfortunately, I agree with you. No sympathy for Americans when the US collapses; I imagine grand celebrations, world-wide!
