Sunday, May 18, 2014

Outside The Box Interview Dr Will Tuttle and Jason Liosatos Emergency Awakening

My talk with Dr Will Tuttle about the emergency that we begin now to face the terrible destruction of the planet via the meat, dairy and fish industry, which has become a literal machine of rape and destruction to our planet and its delicate Eco system. Dr Tuttle reminds us that 75 million animals a day are slaughtered in the US alone, which is creating disastrous consequences with water resources, pollution, deforestation, and the raping of the oceans, which like the tress are the lungs of the earth without which we cannot survive. We discuss the horrific cruelty and suffering inflicted on the animal kingdom, which has become a giant killing machine, and the urgency for us to begin questioning our programming about eating animals and drinking their milk, and really face the fact that we have been hypnotized into a cultural trance, a sort of slave programming from childhood. We talk about how the horrific violence and suffering to animals numbs our feelings of empathy and compassion, which is devastating to our emotional, psychological, and spiritual health, and that the meat and dairy killing machine is a very real threat to our existence as humanity if we blindly continue our current trajectory.

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