Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Obamacare : Your Tax Dollars At Work

Reporter Chris Nagus shows a prime example of government waste. Ask yourself, why does this not happen in the private sector.

Employees of an Obamacare contractor in a fourth state have now stepped up to admit that they’re doing no work while being paid taxpayer dollars, according to Missouri’s KOLR.
Now Serco offices in Arkansas are being added to the list of states where Obamacare contractors are being paid to do nothing, including Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma.
Serco is an Obamacare contractor being paid over $1 billion to process any paper Obamacare applications.
Anonymous workers, who wished not to be named to avoid retribution, told Chris Nagus of KMOV in Missouri that they don’t have enough work to fill their time and are required to stay on the clock after work hours.

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