Sunday, May 4, 2014

OBAMA JOKES about RAND PAUL, The BUNDY RANCH & more at White House Correspondents Dinner

Obama started off with a joke about having such a bad year that the 47% called Mitt Romney to apologize. He delivered several jokes about the Obamacare website launch. Obama joked that he had to go to Malaysia to get CNN coverage, and cracked, "I think they're still searching for their table." He joked that MSNBC was overwhelmed at the dinner because they had never seen an audience that big before.

Obama joked about the Olympic snowboarders, "I haven't seen a 180 that fast since Rand Paul disinvited that Nevada rancher from this dinner. He offered that tip that things aren't going to well when the sentence starts, "Let me tell you something about the negro." The president said the Koch brothers bought a table at the dinner but as usual they used a shadowy right wing organization as a front, "Hello, Fox News." Obama told Fox that will miss him when he is gone because it is going to be a lot harder to convince people that Hillary is from Kenya.

The president joked about his own low poll numbers.

My favorite Obama joke of the night was that these days the House Republicans give John Boehner a harder time than they give me, which means that orange really is the new black. The president mocked the Republican claims that he is an imperial president. The president took a jab at the right for their crush on Putin, and called out Huckabee and Hannity for talking about Putin's bare chest all of the time.

The president's deadpan delivery was spot on as usual. This year's jokes were a bit more gentle than the past few years. The president's digs at Fox News were on the money, and it was fun to hear him not let the right off the hook for championing Cliven Bundy.

A winning performance from President Obama, where he got to display his sense of humor, with a guest appearance from HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius at tonight's dinner.

President Barack Obama took aim at Republicans, the media — and himself — at Saturday's White House Correspondents' Association Dinner - opening and closing his comedy routine with the botched rollout of

"I usually start these dinners with a few self-deprecating jokes, but after my stellar 2013, what could I possibly talk about?" the president joked. "At one point, things got so bad the 47 percent called Mitt Romney to apologize," Obama added.

The president deadpanned that the launch of "could've gone better," but noted that it was made into one of the year's biggest movies, before showing a title screen for the film "Frozen."

(PHOTOS: White House correspondents' dinner red carpet)

At the end of his 20-minute remarks to the crowd of 2,600 in the Hilton ballroom, Obama even brought out former Health and Human Service Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to "fix" a technical problem that he was supposedly having with a video the president pretended he wanted to play for those in attendance at the Hilton.

"I got this," Sebelius said. "I see it all the time." Obama warmly put his arm around her as they were leaving the podium.

Obama also went after Republicans, including Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and some potential 2016 candidates.

(VIDEOS: White House Correspondents' Dinner)

"These days House Republicans are giving him a harder time than they give me, which means orange really is the new black," Obama joked—observers said later it was his best line of the night.

The president also riffed about Washington gridlock at the expense of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and the Bridgegate scandal.

"Gridlock has gotten so bad, you've got to wonder, what did we do to piss off Chris Christie so bad," Obama joked.

Obama also praised Olympic gold medal snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who was in the crowd, to rib Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul for his support of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy.

The Independent, however, said the event lacked the star-wattage of previous dinners. Could be celebs are staying away after too many "," as an anonymous source told Hollywood Reporter.

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