Friday, May 9, 2014

No Bank "Too Big to Jail -- Greg Hunter

Even though Russia says it is backing off in Ukraine, the economic and psychological war is intensifying. Big headline in USA Today says "Putin Diffuses Tensions in Ukraine Crisis." Putin says it is backing some troops off from the border, but NATO says there is "no evidence of withdrawal." My sources say Russia will not do an overt invasion; it will just let Ukraine sink into chaos.

An IRS official at the center of the IRS targeting scandal is now in contempt of Congress. The House voted to this week to hold Lois Lerner in contempt for not answering questions in the investigation over the IRS targeting conservative groups.

Trey Gowdy has been picked to head up a committee to get to the Benghazi scandal where our Ambassador and three others were killed in a terrorist attack. Gowdy is a former federal prosecutor. The White House said the attack was "spontaneous" and did not have al-Qaeda ties. Both points are 100% false.

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