Friday, May 16, 2014

Nick Begich -- Corporate Control: Ravaging The West

Alex Jones and Dr Nick Begich talk about the vast untapped wealth of Alaska and why the government won't let it be used to free America from dependance on foreign oil.

On this Friday, May 16 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about the ever-expanding authoritarian dimension of a militarized police state in America as exposed documents reveal the existence of a Marine urban training center, the emergence of Brazil-like robocops at the World Cup, and police ramping up efforts to take on veterans. Other topics include the seriously insane rise of food prices and the rediscovery in Mexico of the god given right to self defense. On today's show Dr. Nick Begich talks with Alex about an effort by the feds to use tribal sovereignty to move land held by government into trust. Begich is the author of several books, including Angels Still Don't Play This HAARP and Angels Don't Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology, both now available at the Infowars Store. Alex also takes your calls on today's worldwide broadcast.

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