Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Manipulated Unemployment, Housing Declines And Geo-Political Risk Equals Collapse

Cyprus still under capital controls and they are now battling high unemployment, bad loans and a failing economy. Amazon part time workers are becoming the working poor. Mortgage origination's and refinancing continue to fall and the volume is disappearing. Fed Chairman Janet Yellen stated that the recent flattening out in housing activity could prove more protracted than currently expected. Chinese are looking to filter billions of dollars into the Nigerian and has become China's third largest trade partner. The US will not let this happen and they are in the process of moving troops into the region. Ukraine has not paid the April gas bill to Gazprom. Putin pulled the troops back and calls for Kiev to stop the anti-terrorism crack down. Pentagon network was knocked out. The Syrian rebels are now blaming Assad for 60 chemical attacks.

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