Tuesday, May 6, 2014

London GOLD VAULTS EMPTY: Price Spike Ahead | Turd Ferguson

- Physically deliverable gold futures contracts are coming Asian markets* ►1:10
- Manipulation: gold & silver price fluctuation limits will be implemented* ►6:30
- London gold vaults are empty, gold price spike ahead ►8:31
- Silver price will follow gold higher. At $19/oz, silver is a "bargain" ►16:55
- Federal Reserve "taper" and Friday's job numbers* are lies ►23:10

Known primarily by his nickname "Turd Ferguson," Craig Hemke is the founder and editor of the popular TF Metals Report blog and podcast (http://TFMetalsReport.com), covering precious metals, the financial markets, and greater economic trends. A graduate of the University of Nebraska with a BS in Economics, Hemke was a licensed securities professional (Series 7) for nearly twenty years and has been an active commodity option trader since 1987. Hemke has been featured on The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Market Watch, CNBC, among many other news stations.

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