Tuesday, May 27, 2014

KABBALAH, Credo of the Babylonian Cult

David Livingstone and Henry Makow, RBN, Radio October 5, 2008. Terrorism and the Illuminati, A 3000-Year History

Collectively, this web is headed by a nefarious cabal commonly identified as the “Illuminati”. The Illuminati was the name of a secret society, founded by Adam Weishaupt, in Germany, in 1776, with the goal of seeking world domination through subversive means. It’s existence is one of the few instances in history in which historians are willing to recognize the existence of the diabolical conspiracy, because the evidence is undeniable. However, in 1784, the order was exposed, and forced to disband. Scholars, therefore, have used the fact of the suppression of the order as justification to suppose that no conspiracy continues to exist into our time. Nevertheless, Weishaupt himself boasted, “I have considered every thing, and so prepared it, that if the Order should this day go to ruin, I shall in a year re-establish it more brilliant th at ever.” 1 The “Illuminati”, really, is merely a convenient term to refer to those individuals and secret organizations who continue to pursue the same goals in our time. In actuality, the order’s existence began long before the eighteenth century. The truth is it began in Babylon, in the sixth century BC, with the advent of the Jewish heresy of the Kabbalah. According to their own accounts though, the Illuminati represent the descendants of the Fallen Angels who inhabited the lost continent of Atlantis. These Fallen Angels interbred with humans, producing a supposedly superior race called “Aryans”, to whom they taught the Ancient Wisdom.


  1. when you come to the understanding that both Adam n Eve were Beguiled by satan in the Garden Gen. 3:13. Take a Strong Concordance of the bible n look up the meaning of Beguiled as used in both the hebrew n greek.Eves firstborn Cain wasn't Adams son 1John3:12. Visit ShepherdsChapel n listen to a lecture from the video page n you'll be amazed what you have never been taught from our Fathers Word.

    1. Your speaking total nonsense, as is the guy on this clip ...

      According to the Bible, Cain was Adam and Eve's son -
      Gen.4:1 (NIV). Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain.

      The reference in 1.John.3:12 (NIV) 'Do not be like Cain, who belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother. And why did he murder him? Because his own actions were evil and his brother’s were righteous.'

      To be of or belong to the wicked one means to think and behave like the wicked one, which words are referring to the Serpent in the Garden. Why, because he challenged God and God's word, putting his own thinking and reasoning above God. He lied...

      Think like that and you are 'typically' his offspring - read John.8:44 Acts.13:11, .

      The key to it is here -
      1.John.3:8. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

      i.e. walk in sin, and you do not belong to God, but to the Serpent, the Devil, or Sin, who is the King who rules this present world of darkness. Sin is personified, and spoken of as a King - Read Romans.6 for the concept.

      I know it is almost impossible to through to those who are deceived, and wallowing in gross darkness. They are ignorant of the Word and hardened in their darkness. But to the rest of you , these concepts are not to hard to understand.

