Monday, May 26, 2014

Jim Rogers: China to be most important country in 21st century

Jim Rogers: China to be most important country in 21st century

Sanction threats against Russia sent shock waves of panic across the world of investment. There's still those who still believe in the prospects of the Russian economy, despite the political turmoil. So, what are these prospects? How are sanctions affecting the financial balance of power? And, finally, what does Moscow's turn to Beijing mean for the future of the global economy? We ask these questions to a renowned investor and businessman - Jim Rogers.

1 comment:

  1. why europe supports bankers and NAZI Olygargs: what does the FN says about this and that ??? you might have to send weapons to the freedom fighters from the olygargs NAZI regime of ukraine.. so europe must be against the power of banks and olygargs like the chocolate king is a bad image for the EU. being just a bank not a social union charlemagne's style.
