Monday, May 19, 2014

Italy's Secret Toxic Waste Crisis

On the foothills of Mount Vesuvius a new threat has emerged. Known as the "triangle of death"; 20 tonnes of toxic waste have been illegally dumped by the Mafia, causing child cancer rates to double.

"The ground is smouldering with unnatural fumes", explains Enzo Tosti, a local activist. As the fumes rise, lethal contamination spreads into the local farms and the aquifers surrounding Naples. The effect of the Mafia waste disposal has been devastating as these toxins have now found their way into the food chain, causing "carcinogenic, mutagenic damage" and an upsurge in child cancer rates. Carmine Schiavone, the former Mafia boss in charge of disposing the toxic waste, has a price on his head. But he has now had a turn of conscience. Exposing that the waste near Naples was dumped under the "knowledge of senior officials", Schiavone also indicates that Naples isn't the only place in Italy facing this toxic time bomb.

SBS Dateline - Ref 6130

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