Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Israel is preparing for war Iran Nuclear threat countdown to Armageddon -- May 21 2014

Breaking News Tzachi Hanegbi -- a close, trusted, long-time personal friend and confidante of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu -- made remarks at a security conference in Tel Aviv that did not make news in the USA But they should have.

Hanegbi explained that the time for sanctions and diplomacy and covert options to neutralize the Iranian nuclear threat is over, and the time for Israel to use it's military option has come.

Hanegbi formerly served as the Minister of Intelligence and as Justice Minister in previous governments. He is currently a Member of Knesset (Likud).

"Israel has to act according to its own imperatives," he said.

Given how close Hanegbi and Netanyahu are -- and given how sensitive the current moment is -- it is difficult to believe Hanegbi spoke without knowing the Prime Minister's mind, and without having his blessing to make such ominous remarks.

Consider other indicators that an Israeli first strike may be increasingly close at hand:

Netanyahu and his inner circle are watching how Iran has been accelerating its building of uranium centrifuges, expanding its nuclear facilities, and possibly building secret new facilities. President Obama is doing nothing after the Assad regime in Syria crossed the Obama "red line" by using chemical weapons against the rebels Netanyahu and his inner circle are watching how President Obama is doing nothing to stop North Korea from building -- and testing -- nuclear warheads and the ballistic missiles to deliver them. Netanyahu are his inner circle are watching how President Obama has pulled U.S. military assets out of the Persian Gulf region, claiming budget cutbacks.

All this suggests the Netanyahu team believes it is all alone to deal with the Iran problem.

Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu Address to United Nations on Iran and Radical Islam Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu Iran Nuclear bomb stage 2 REDLINE by Spring 2013 then weeks to have Nuclear Bomb - North Korea just tested a nuclear warhead with Iranian nuclear officials present, and the two countries may be working hand in glove to get Iran ready to build and deploy The Bomb.

A top former Israeli military official said publicly a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear facilities would be a "one night operation."

concerning Iran. US Officials who have long been hesitant about the use of military force against Iran are now reluctantly suggesting it may not be possible to avoid war after all.

Vice President Biden, Secretary Kerry, and the Commander of CENTCOM -- as well as Henry Kissinger, Dennis Ross and Elliot Abrams, and this is what you will hear:

The nuclear crisis with Iran is coming to a head.
Diplomacy and sanctions have not succeeded and may have run their course.
The Iranians are not making concessions.
Instead, Tehran is accelerating its nuclear efforts and is dangerously close to building nuclear warheads.

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