Saturday, May 24, 2014

Isla Vista Shooting Update -- Another False Flag ?

Wonder what anti-depressant he started taking. On his youtube channel everything is normal until about 1 week ago, then a bunch of random videos posted in the last 24 hours leading-up, where he rambles obsessively like a zombie reading a poorly-written script filled with cliches.

Crisis actors say "seek shelter". No cop would say that in a million years. They say "Get youre ass inside or I'll blow your head off. That's how you can already tell this is another false flag. Period.


  1. OH BROTHER-SERIOUSLY? This guy looks like he's reading from a 'Cue Card!' I don't think he could, in ALL REALITY, find his BUTT WITH BOTH HANDS!!!! But then again, I could be wrong.

  2. Um, "normal until a week ago"? Maybe normal by the standards of someone who runs a conspiracy blog and accuses every random event of being part of a master plan. Get some perspective.

  3. Insanity by either motive. Democrat either way. Either way we need more guns nota less to protector uso grom the "crazies" ans the government.
