Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Iranian War Drums

It's all Brainwashing Programing on the News and TV. All Lies. Every Last Second of it is a Show. From Hollywood to Washington. It's All a Stage Play. The Arguments They Present are Completely Fictional, Built to Support the Globalists Agenda. it's All Hype. Next Year Shit Hit the Fan Though Anyway. Satanic Pedophiliacs Run the World.

1 comment:

  1. wars are bad news, however what the film shows is another matter, as it is tactically right, small boats load with electronics jam the ships communications and it's a sitting duck. this scenario as being real is as well a game., like any video game. "as is viewed on the video" true however force no longer win wars. global disarmament, if you like...! "looks the easiest way". what difference does it make who closes, the oil flow, Iran, china, is irrelevant once is close is close. it cannot be defended neither it can attack. is a box. perhaps that were the symbols who knows but the boxes to me give this symbolism. in military terms, the ships are in danger; and the purpose and reason why they are there makes even more vulnerable, sailors and commanders, as they are defending the oil and themselves could cause the actual end of the oil flow. "however who ever intentions is unknown, if there is this mind somewhere in space? not a good tactic militarily. mini subs! as well this electronic warfare reduce the side of everything, reason why large to many large ships hinder rather than help... advance when you enter a war that you are going to lose and you know it is very crazy. like the reality and its consequences.
